February 16, 2008

A Little Rain

Well, Luke slept from 2pm to midnight when he woke up crying. Meredith took care of him for a little while so I could get more sleep. Then, I got up and told him that I was going to wash my face and hold him. Luke stood at my side crying. This is what the Lord told me and I told Luke.

Sometimes in our life a little rain must fall. It is raining in Luke's life right now. He has been ill, scared of the airplanes, thrown into a new time zone, and has NO apple juice. He is fussy, clingy, and anxious. This happens to all of us no matter how old or young we are. So, while he walks through his storm, I will comfort him, help him grow into a better person, and love him no matter how he behaves. Why? Because that is what our Lord Jesus Christ does for his children. Just like the weather, sometimes we have sunshine, sometimes the weather is enjoyable and pleasant and sometimes it's a dangerous storm. But no matter what kind of weather we are experiencing in our lives, Jesus said that He will never leave us or forsake us. He loves us, is firm with us, and molds us into better people through our storms. We must trust Him and always believe that He knows what is best for us.

And so it is with Luke. We are being Jesus to Luke right now as he struggles through his storm. And when he is grown, he will understand that he can lean on his Savior just like he leaned on Momma and Daddy when he was little.

If any of you, my dear friends, don't have Jesus as your provider, protector, comforter, and Savior, I beseech you to meet Him and let Him guide you through your life no matter how the weather is for you now. For if you know Him, you will never have to fear the plane ride, feel like no one understands you during your trials, or be alone with your deepest pain. You can be held and comforted during your trials just like we are comforting Luke. He is adjusting and we are seeing a change in his attitude and behavior because instead of being frustrated and mad at him, we are taking the time to adjust his behavior and teach him to trust us and obey us. That is the safest place for a child. And the safest place for a child of God is to let him be your Daddy and Mommy.

God bless all of you my dear friend during the sunshine and the rain. We will be getting our new daughter in just 6 or 7 hours. We are excited to be her Mommy and Daddy and introduce her to Jesus too.


RAVEN Deb said...

great blog Tonya...God is good...love you guys...praying...amen.

Unknown said...

What a truly beautiful post.
Amen, Amen!!

Can't wait to see your beautiful Laura!

big prayers from across the ocean..

ellieshine said...


I loved your post, and I love how you are teaching your children about the love & grace of our saviour. What a wonderful legacy your are creating.

Big Hugs, can't wait to see Laura!
