This morning I was walking over to my parent's house early. It rained last night and everything is so green and serene. I came home and got my camera to capture the beauty. I believe that God created and owns everything in the Universe. He loves us so much that He lets us use it for a time. Then we die and go to be with Him and He gives it to some one else to enjoy!
The first picture is of a beautiful wisteria bush climbing on a archway that Meredith built. You walk through it coming into our yard. It is growing right beside the grape vines that define our yard from the hay field separating our house from my parent's house.
The second picture is very special to me. This bodark tree (horse apple tree) was full grown before I was born. This land has been in our family for almost 100 years. As long as I can remember, that tree has stood by the pond. I never really paid much attention to it until this morning. It was just so peaceful and serene. The new life is blooming on it and the pond water was gently moving in the cool breeze. Truly beautiful. The tree and pond picture reminds me of Psalm 1:2-3 that says,
"But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whater he does shall prosper."
Having not paid much attention to the tree all those years and then just today noticing it's beauty is somewhat like the fact the God has been standing in our midst for eternity and one day we finally notice he's there and then we are able to recognize His beauty in our life.
That tree has prospered for many, many years. It's roots are planted deep and it drinks of the water of the pond that it stay near for it's entire life. Oh, I pray that all of us will be like that tree. That we will continually stay close beside the Living Water and drink of it every day of our life. God will continue to feed us His Spirit and we shall not wither away but alway prosper in Him. This is my prayer for my family and friends.
I captured a picture of the swing that is in the old bodark tree. My children and my sister's children put it there and they play under that tree and swing from it's strong branches for hours of their life. What a peaceful place to play. Our children are so blessed.
The last picture is of one of our pine trees. Did you know that every year around Easter the pine trees have crosses on them? It is so cool the way that God commemorates the Passion of His Christ. I took these pictures later than I should have so the "crosses" are a little over grown. But just last week, the "new life" growing on the trees looked just like crosses. And the pine trees never fail, year after year, to give honor to their creator during the Easter season. Isn't it interesting that the "new life" on the trees should remind us of the "new life" we experience when we bow to the cross, repent of our sins, and ask Jesus to be our Lord and Savior? You see, the Bible talks about how even the rocks cry out to their Creator. And yes, the trees do too.
Every where we look, God has put reminders of Himself so that we can enjoy a moment of praise and thanksgiving toward Him. He loves it when we praise Him. I can just imagine his big hearty laugh this morning when He stopped me in my tracks by that tree and reminded me that he loved us so much that he gave us this beautiful world to live in. How much more beautiful will heaven be? I can't wait to see it! Please give your life to Jesus, God's son, today. You will look at the world in a whole new way. I promise!
God bless you today and everyday. Enjoy the pictures and please give a moment of thanks to the Lord for the beauty that surrounds your home. And remember, it's just on loan to us from Him for our short lifetime in this world. Then we will be transformed into heavenly beings and live forever with Him in the most beautiful place ever created. The presence of God!
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing your heart in this post . . . God is good, I can't believe you never noticed that beautiful tree before! That is a good analogy of us not noticing all God has done for us. I will pray that your post touches many hearts as it has done mine :)
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