February 23, 2010

Snow Day Pictures

Meredith pulled us all on the intertube with the 4 wheeler. It was fun. Of course, he had a very mischevious look in his eye when I got on so I quickly grabbed Luke and Laura as I gave him a "Don't you dare try and dump me with these innocent babies" look in my eyes. He was good. Much better than in earlier years when I would have had to drag myself out of the snow with bruised rump and pride while he laughed at me saying, "Aw, come on momma, I didn't mean to dump you!" Yes, he's convinced that I am so old he might actually hurt me.

The kids had a blast on the tube, came in for chips, dip, and hot chocolate and are now outside again building super duty snow men. I'll add pics when their project is complete. Laura and I are inside where it's warm downloading our "fun" on the computer for all to enjoy!

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