October 26, 2007

We are on day 53 of our wait for Laura. And what do you think we are doing? Playing in the big dirt pit Granddaddy dug. Of course! Luke got to ride in the dump truck and he thinks he is so big. John caught a frog and played with it for a while. Then John released the poor frog back to the wild. We have alot of catch and release going on around here! William was more interested in the big dirt clogs rather than wild life. He informed me today that he and Granddaddy are "country boys". As if I was clueless to this fact! The boys had a blast this afternoon playing in the dirt and riding in the dump truck. Isn't that what boys like best?

Meredith left for New Orleans today with a group of men who will be doing street ministry this weekend. He is anointed by God for this ministry.

So, as I pine away for my little China girl, life goes on around here. And it's fun and busy. I can't wait for Laura to be home playing in the dirt with her brothers. I just hope she don't like frogs!!!

(Double click on the pictures to enlarge them.)

October 16, 2007

Today we went outside to look at the flowers and to our pleasant suprise the hibuscus blooms were full of yellow butterflies. If you will look closely, you will see the beautiful butterflies lazily eating the sweet nectar out of the red hibiscus blooms. Aren't they beautiful? Fall has arrived and with it an anticipation of the holidays. Enjoy God's beautiful creation where ever you are. I know He got as much pleasure out of this beautiful sight as we did. God bless you all. Double click on the picture for a close up view of the butterflies.

October 14, 2007

We have our LID (log in date) for our dossier that has reached China. We were logged in September 3, 2007 which is much later that we expected. The good news is that we ARE logged in. We are on day 40 of our wait for permission to go to China and get Laura. In the meantime, we had a weiner roast tonight with our cousins. My dad, who is an A # 1 Granddaddy, got his 4 wheeler and trailer set up and took us on a great hayride through his fields. We had a wonderful campfire and great fellowship. We can't wait to take Laura on her first hayride. She's gonna love Texas. We expect to travel to China mid January so by spring time Laura will have the wonderful experience of the great outdoors here at our home in Texas. Thank you Nene and Granddaddy for making this afternoon a memorable time for all of us. We love you!!!!!

October 08, 2007

Happy Columbus Day!!! Our dear friends in PA got their Letter of Acceptance for Sadie. She lives with Laura at Dingxi SWI in Gansu Province. The Reed family plan to travel in November to bring Sadie home. We are very excited for them. We hope they can see Laura and get some pictures of her. We also want them to give her a hug and tell her that we will probably be there before Christmas to get her. Yes, that is our hope. We are on day 60 of our wait and expect to get our Letter of Acceptance within the next 20 days! We are so excited. We are busy working to save the rest of the money we need to travel to China. I think it's so funny that our little girl is waiting and she had no idea how hard we are working to get to her. And she's worth every minute! Can't wait to have her home to be the baby sister. Please continue to pray for our endeavor and for her safety and health. A basic prayer for Laura is that she has enough food to eat to stay healthy along with the other children in her orphanage. Thank you for your prayers. God bless you all.