May 04, 2009

It's been a Wild Spring

Wel, we have had a time this spring. We had baby kittens but they both died. We had 3 baby goats that are really cute but I haven't slowed down to take pics of them, we have new baby chicks. I have had lots of spiritual and philosophical experiences this season but since I BROKE MY ARM and typing with one hand takes SO LONG, I will keep it all to myself! I do hope you all enjoy the pics and the very short explanations! Forgive any typos please. I won't be correcting them until I get my cast off. The important thing is that our family has enjoyed a richness of life this spring season and we give all the thanks and glory to our Lord!


Doris said...

Did you break your arm riding horseback? I broke my collarbone once on a horse. Years later I broke some ribs getting thrown from a horse.Some people just never learn! lol

Chasity said...

Hey Tonya, just wanted to say hey..(guess I already did...:) we miss you guys.